The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
November 25, 2009
Fans of the cult favorite The Boondock Saints (1999) had to wait ten years for this sequel, and they will probably like it. Similarly, the critics mostly hated the first one, and panned the new incarnation, as well.
However, there's plenty to like here, in terms of popcorn flick enjoyment, over-the-top cartoon violence, and out-of-context religious allusions. It's not every day that two brothers sport matching halves of a large crucifixion tattoo on their backs, for example. Then there's their hideout in a bar owned by an old guy afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome, along with their tendency to base their assaults on scenes from movies.
Far from a cinematic classic, this one is just fun, and these days, that's enough for me.
Read my complete review.