The unjustified Facebook-fueled attack on Pampers Dry Max
Robin Hood

The 2008-2009 Annual Report from the President's Cancer Panel: Your tax dollars totally wasted

If you ever had any doubt that even a worthy mission such as fighting cancer could be undermined by political correctness, you need only read small sections from this ridiculous document.

This utter bilge has been condemned by virtually every single cancer authority—not to mention my friends at... and the American Council on Science and Health.

To produce a 240-page document that raises environmentally-induced cancer to anything more than minuscule importance is positively shameful, and this panel—consisting of two whole people—should be condemned, nay mocked by the scientific community.

To the clueless LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. and Margaret L. Kripke, Ph.D. I would say this:

The only proven cancer risk from chemicals derived from a very small number of cases of heavy occupational exposure, and this was pre-OSHA, of course. Almost nothing in your absurd report can be backed up, and the production of this document should force both of you into immediate retreat from public life.

More than that, you have discredited the work of every agency currently in place that, if anything, has gone overboard to limit exposure to toxic chemicals.

This is truly a disgrace, and you both richly deserve all the negative feedback.


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