Listening to other voices on COVID-19
August 29, 2020
This HND piece discusses some alternative viewpoints regarding COVID-19. This movement started back in April, when the first data came out, suggesting that the lockdowns were a waste. They were then followed by plenty of anecdotal reports on the successful use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).
Before long HCQ was being attacked by a cadre of mostly establishment drones such as Fauci, and alleged "science" guys like David Gorski, MD aka "Orac." Gorski mixes legit pro-science stuff with political hit jobs. (Guess what side he's on?) We analyze why there is such an intense effort to go after HCQ, which now includes a breathless attack on a noted Yale epidemiologist. The funny thing is that his response just shows how desperate and ill-informed the haters are.
We conclude with a brand new study that also turns the conventional wisdom on its head.
Read the complete article.