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November 2020

Holiday travel 2020


This HND piece examines the upcoming post-Thanksgiving holiday travel outlook. As you might expect, air travel is down by quite a bit, but people seem to be doing plenty of car trips. Still, the overall amount of travel is down by at least ten percent (based on figures from Thanksgiving). Airlines continue to tout studies showing that the aircraft environment is quite safe. Meanwhile, overreaching governments are urging folks to stay home.

A portion of the public is getting tired of the restrictions, and the nearly daily episodes of hypocrisy by our so-called "leaders," who are caught violating their own policies. Elite scientists such as Dr. Mike Yeadon are joining the skeptics. We also highlight a company that offers a convenient travel safety kit, for those who choose to continue with their travel plans.

Read the complete article.

More on lockdowns and masks


This week's HND piece features some new information on everyone's least favorite subject: COVID-19. We touch on how more aggressive measures, including curfews are being proposed, and the purposeful conflation of positive tests with "cases" of the actual acute disease. Of course, that loaded term "essential worker" has been raised again, and we destroy it—once more.

Also included is a big study crushing the notion of lockdowns, along with an American company that produces masks—at competitive prices.

Read the complete article.

COVID-19 quick takes--part one


This HND piece presents several new findings on COVID-19, including the retraction of a big mask study; the Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine; the Vitamin D connection; and melatonin as a possible therapy. While the authorities seem to be trying to scare us about the pandemic again, they are doubling down on lockdowns and masks.

But, here's the thing: For the most part, people have been compliant with these policies, yet infection rates continue to rise. Maybe, though, there's something wrong with the testing. Both Elon Musk and Erykah Badu have recently announced laughably inconsistent results for their COVID testing.

Under normal circumstances, we should be patient, and only post links to perfect studies, but the sad fact is, that there is almost no actual science being done these days. As such, we can only evaluate items of interest, and make them available to you.

Read the complete article.

Year end COVID-19 questions and concerns


This HND piece looks at the latest in recommendations on such matters as social distancing, mask use, holiday gatherings and holiday travel. CDC guidelines are presented, but the agency defers to the states, and these vary widely. We also touch on the lockdown controversy.

Then there is the matter of all those positive-testing individuals who are asymptomatic. Are they are contagious as people who do show symptoms?

Read the complete article.

We have a scheduling conflict


This HND piece examines the murky world of Drug Scheduling. While many abuses and inconsistencies could be discussed, we focus on the insane treatment of cannabis—presently part of the dreaded Schedule I. Bear in mind that to be in Schedule I, the drug has "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.'

But wait, you say. Everyone has heard of the medical benefits of cannabis extracts. Only that does not really matter, as you will discover. And, that's only the tip of the iceberg. You will also discover how a natural product, CBD, can be shown to have numerous benefits, but is only so recognized if it goes through clinical trials.

Read the complete article.