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February 2021

Are COVID 19, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autism spectrum disorder linked?


This HND piece discusses how COVID-19 might be better understood if it is considered as at least exacerbated by immune dysfunction and excessive viral load. Those two conditions have been demonstrated in the case of the other two diseases. What's more, immune cascades are quite possibly what makes COVID-19 not act strictly as another sort of viral pneumonia.

Maybe it's time to remove the politics from how all of these diseases are treated. At stake here is nothing less than the very future of how public health operates in this country. After all, with supposedly more than 500,000 deaths from COVID-19, the status quo is not exactly something to be proud of.

Read the complete article.

Lockdowns and vaccines


This HND piece takes a look at some little known facts about COVID-19 inspired lockdowns and the vaccines. The basic point here is that our reaction to the pandemic is now a bigger story than the pandemic itself.

As to the lockdowns, we trace the idea behind this to 2007, and actually show you what this famous "curve," of "Flatten the curve" the fame is all about. Too bad no one has ever covered that before. Oh, and all the "science" behind the lockdowns is based on some very sketchy modeling courtesy of Bill Gates and his foundation. Spoiler alert: It's garbage.

On the vaccine side, we discuss some nasty issues that might occur with pregnant women who get the shots. As it is, there was never enough data on pregnant woman to even assess the effects, although simple in vitro tests that should have been done...weren't.

Read the complete article.

COVID-19 quick takes--part three


This HND piece continues on from the previous week, this time looking at a ridiculous mask study from the CDC; Pfizer deciding not to pursue the India market for its vaccine; and the WHO inspection of the Wuhan Lab.

We reveal a serious issue with that CDC, that is hiding in plain site, and was missed by almost every single media outlet that covered it. One has to wonder why Pfizer would bail on the world's second most populated country, to sell more of its vaccines. And as to the WHO inspection, let's just say that it was...flawed.

Read the complete article.

COVID-19 quick takes—part two


This HND piece continues the tradition started last November, in which we discuss a few current topics in the world of COVID-19. In this article we look at:

♦ What really happened to the mysterious Placer County, CA person who died hours after getting the COVID-19 vaccine?

♦ The pernicious politics keeping your kids from returning to in-person school.

♦ The epic failure of the technocrats in handling the COVID-19 response, and how this was eminently predictable. (Thanks, F.A. Hayek)

Read the complete article.