Politics--part of human ecology

COVID-19 mass hysteria and questions


This HND piece takes a look as to how science does not matter in the least to many of our dictatorial leaders, in the wake of COVID-19. New York State's own contact tracing data names restaurants as a location with a very low rate of infections. Yet, they are closed in NYC and possibly other cities. Likewise, the governor of Michigan continues on with her crusade to destroy the state's economy.

And, wait to you hear what self-anointed genius Melinda Gates has to say about lockdowns. As the cliché goes, you can't make this stuff up.

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Kids should be going back to school this fall in-person


This HND piece presents the argument—strictly based on the best available science—that kids should be returning to school this fall as they normally do. Indeed, we use the copiously documented presentation by the Orange County California Board of Education, and give you links to the main scientific works cited.

At the end of the day, any arguments against re-opening, however well-intentioned, are simply based on raw emotion, and in some cases a weird sort of nihilism disguised as misplaced parental concern. But in an era of obscene politics ruling the day, all that's left is to try to be rational

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COVID-19 panic porn


This HND piece takes a look at the frankly outrageous and biased coverage of the latest outbreak of COVID. During the past few weeks, many young people gathered in close proximity at protest demonstrations and bars. And, during the same period, testing for the virus increased greatly. So, surprise, surprise, there are plenty of positives being detected.

At the same time, deaths are dropping like mad, and while hospitalizations are up in many areas, this includes people who have been delaying procedures, and many others who are positive for COVID, even if that is not their major complaint. Still, extra dollars are in play for calling everything "COVID." And, yes, there are also some severe legit cases of COVID in the ICU.

However for the most part, the people testing positive now are either asymptomatic, or have very mild cases of the disease. Be assured that the ensuing media circus reflects the most obscene injection of politics into public health in history.

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What about that second wave of COVID-19?


This HND piece digs into the latest COVID scare—that it could come roaring back, worse than ever. We give you some background on principles of immunology, including the notion of herd immunity. More testing is showing more positives, and that should come as no surprise.

It should make you feel better that a number of authorities are not buying into this hype, and that comparisons to the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-19 are ill-advised, given the great improvements in healthcare in the ensuing years, as well as the massive advances in mass communications.

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When failures in public health, science, and politics all converge


This HND piece uses the current COVID-19 situation to examine what happens when politics enters the already failed worlds of public health and science. It starts with a look at how and why science got ruined. Naturally, that didn't help public health.

We then segue into the bizarre paradigm whereby protests against the lockdown are evil, but much larger protests following the death of George Floyd are not only benign to health, they are even necessary. So, protecting people from catching COVID-19 is the most important public health issues, until it isn't.

Of course, in such a discussion, it is impossible to not comment on the scandalously overblown and overrated Dr. Tony Fauci—and we do.

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A look at nursing homes


This HND piece examines the history and current state of nursing homes, and gives a possible explanation for the appallingly high rate of COVID-19 deaths that are occurring in these facilities. Of course, there are vast disparities in this fatality rate state-to-state with the worst offender—by far—being the state of New York.

We look at how Medicare defines the term "nursing home," and link to its handy tool that rates every such facility in the country. Then we segue into a searing attack on how these places are run, from a longtime advocate for change in the industry.

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Interesting new COVID-19 findings

Virus-4937553_300 This HND piece pokes some holes in the pervasive (and wrong) orthodoxy concerning our current pandemic. We provide links to new research that—among other things—decimates the notion of "shelter in place" and even if massive self-quarantining has done any good.

New research from Germany and Denmark is presented along with stunning findings from an Israeli math professor.

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Chronic pain meets chronic hucksters


This HND piece examines the matter of chronic pain, and then focuses on the government's ill-advised scorched earth campaign against opioids.  Unfortunately, thousands of chronic pain patients are suffering because they cannot obtain therapeutic doses of these drugs.  What's worse is that bogus experts--with considerable influence--are pushing this policy.

These charlatans, under the name of PROP, attack opioid pain meds on a daily basis, and it's only now coming out that they are being handsomely paid by plaintiff's lawyers.  What a shock!  A government policy with "unintended" consequences that actually benefits consultants, politicians, and greedy attorneys.  We've never seen that before.

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E-cigarettes are not a gateway to smoking--they replace smoking

E-cigs_vapingThis HND piece debunks the pernicious nonsense pushed by the prohibitionists that vaping is a "gateway" to smoking. And you thought that the government wanted people to quit smoking. Completely ignoring science (OMG, are they vaping deniers?), they continue to attack e-cigs. Heck, the "enlightened" city of San Francisco has flat-out banned the sale of e-cigs because they know better. So...a city that can't keep human feces and discarded syringes off the streets has a better way. Riiight.

This story brings you the real story, citing numerous studies, and gives the facts behind the findings. As you might expect, the prohibitionists wildly distort the statistics, with all their slicing, dicing, and conflating.

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The state of medical cannabis

Medical_cannabisThis HND piece examines the odd disparities and paradoxes in our country's approach to regulating cannabis. Not only are there state-to-state differences, but there is a bizarre situation at the federal level. Even though a particular preparation of cannabidiol is now FDA approved, cannabis is still considered a Schedule I controlled substance. That is, of course, unless the cannabis is that exact preparation of CBD—Epidiolex—which is merely Schedule V.

We contrast this mess with the situation in Australia, where medical cannabis is legal at the federal level throughout the country. It's all about Prohibition, isn't it? To prove this, we reference the work of Fredric Wertham.

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